Tuesday 29 November 2016


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Project Based Learning
Lesson 3- Plan Phase
3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
          List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone.
Classroom instruction: 1

Select student groups (student groups)
Research: online and library (research report)
Class activity: Discussion on deforestation
Survey: Collecting information about forest of Kerala . (Report)
Activity: List out various products obtained from forests (student briefing)
Quiz : Preparation of Questionnaire
Presentation: The importance of  forest (presentation)
Celebration: a “mini exhibition” on Forests of  Kerala (exhibition)

3.2 Role definitions:
            List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project leader: teacher will fulfill this role
PROJECT LEADER: Teacher along the needful suggestions from the Principal.
TEAM LEADER: (Coordinating the group members)
MEMBERS OF THE GROUP: (active participants)
MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY: (Indirect participants)
SURVEYOR: (Collects survey reports)

Presenter (all students will take some part in the presentation)
Quiz Masters  : Group leaders

3.3 Task schedule:
            Note start and end dates for the project.
            Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Project start date  2nd  October 2016
Project end date    19th November 2016

3.4Special Activities Plan:
            List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.
Mini exhibition

3.5Resources Plan:
List resources that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.
Computer lab: Date and period in the Time Table.

3.6 Direct Instruction:
List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.
Instructions regarding information to be collected.
The presentation on chart with proper layout.

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
            Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project
At the end of every week there will be 10 minutes discussion progress, successes and challenges.
A checkpoint meeting for each team will be held for 5 minutes per week.

3.8 Assessment plan:
            Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List  products that will be assessed during the project. List rubrics that need to be created before project launch.
Opportunities for authentic assessment will include: the  information collected
Understanding the importance of forest.
Formative assessment will primarily focus on the Charts created by the students during the project. Response during the Quiz.
 Summative assessments will be performed on  presentations on the importance of forests the

Rubrics prepared: Chart presentation, Team work ,


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Project Plan – Lesson 7
The Manage Phase
(7.1) Process Management:
                List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning
               Initial Preparation &Planning
               Identifying the team on the basis of SW Analysis for team leadership
               Team Interaction and milestone setting
               Task distribution and deadline 
               Monitoring the Attainment of tasks and milestones
               Process handling and reporting
                Conflict management               

(7.2) Student Preparation:
                Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed

The students will be initiated before the project launch. They will be informed about the importance of forest. Interviews with members of old generation to understand the difference in lifestyles.  New ICT tools to be used during the project (i.e. using a spreadsheet for survey results/ blog etc) will be practiced before the project launch.
(7.3)  Facilitation:

                Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.

Use of the resource room, library and computer equipment, digital devices, guest lectures will be scheduled and booked in advance.

(7.4) Progress Monitoring:

Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.
Group progress

After attainment of each milestone, the team leader will have a briefing with the project lead as well as with his team members for assessment of task. Every week a briefing about the status of the project will be done to the Whole class. 

Individual progress

Reporting to other team for peer review and valuable suggestions for each task and followed by consolidation of work by the team after the approval of the project leader. Team checkpoint meetings as well informally daily checking with teams and individuals on their work.


(7.5) Re-planning:
Describe how ‘re-planning’ will be used if the project goes off track

As student autonomy has to be provided to enable them to achieve their behavioral changes, there is a risk of the project going off track and hence additional time allowance will be kept in the design of the project for handling overrun within the stipulated deadlines of the overall project. There is an option for homework to be used to catch up if necessary.

(7.6) Conflict Management:
Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts that may arise.
The project envisions a long term impact of forest in Kerala and need to preserve them. Development of interpersonal skills as well as behavioral changes in its members and further through them to the society, the conflict management part has to be dealt with utmost care and concern. Hence the project leads role becomes pivotal.
To ensure that things goes smoothly within the team, the rule of presenting ones’ view and accepting others and thereby shedding egos will be considered the most important change and   teamwork rules will be included in project launch presentation. 
Students are asked to initially try to work out conflicts on their own. In the case of a deadlock, issues are to be raised with the teacher. 
Lack of participation will be dealt  sympathetically  and project lead will ensure that each child attains his minimal level of learning through the given task and will provide necessary scaffolds to build his ability, confidence and thereafter attain his role in the task. 


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Project Plan - Lesson 6
The Review Phase

(6.1)Student Reflection and Evaluation:
                Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
An interactive schedule after the end of every milestone will be held to evaluate the progress of the team and their reflection and self-evaluation  through questionnaire . Their reflection will cover: what and how I learned, what new skills I acquired, what interests me about the project, what I couldn’t achieve in the project and How I could do it differently on the next project. A subsequent lesson will be used to discuss the observations made by the students.

(6.2) Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
                Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
I have prepared a teacher reflection and evaluation form to complete that covers:
      Achievement of project goals
      What I learned
      What I would do differently next time
      How it can extended into the community

(6.3) Assessment of 21st Century skills:
                List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment 
 (6.4) Summative Assessment and Grading:
                List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading
Collection of Information
Content and presentation
Five point grade
Questionnaire for quiz
 Questionnaire  and  Response
Five point grade
Tips for conserving Forest
Data collected
Five point grade
Blog portfolio
Blog rubric
Five point grade
Creativity in making charts
Five point grade


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Project Plan – Lesson 5
The Do Phase

(5.1) Project Launch:
                Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
The project will be launched as a group meeting with the whole class. There will be a presentation by the members along with the project leader describing the need of taking up this project and the achievable goals, the expectations, rules, procedures, assessment and grading.   The team leader will highlight how useful it is to make self- assessment. Further Students will be motivated to leap forward with the next stages of the project. Define, plan, do, and review cycles will be discussed.

(5.2) Artifacts:
                List artifacts that will be created during the project
Charts /Write ups
Presentation outlines
Questionnaire for Quiz

(5.3) Culminating product:
                Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.

Posting in Blog
Presentation on ‘How to protect our Forests’

(5.4) Celebrating completion:
                Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
A “mini exhibition” of the project will be held in the school with students.

Monday 14 November 2016


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Project Based Learning
Sample-Project Plan

Forests our lifeline  -Our Wealth
 (1.1)The Define Phase
·   Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
·   What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
·   What are students intended to learn from the project?

This project is intended to allow class VII students to explore the following topics:
1.       Forests our Lifeline.
2.       The forests of Kerala.
3.       The location of forests of Kerala.
4.       Plants and animals present in these forests.
5.       To understand the importance of protecting forests.
The students will work in small groups building knowledge in these curriculum areas, the project gives students the opportunity to develop specific 21st Century skills.

(1.12)Project Scope:
            Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, self shills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.
Students from class VII

Subjects involved: Science, Social Science  and English

Student research will be monitored and managed to avoid students going off track and out of scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
  List the curriculum and standards this project will cover.
Class VII Science Curriculum topics and standards related to this project:
·         Forest as an habitat.
·         Animals and trees of the forest.
·         Forest products
·         Forests of Kerala.